GIS Mapping Tools and How They Work

Maps are not just meant to find where a street location is while on a trip, they are an efficient way by which geographical data could be presented. From clarifying humans, infrastructure and even landscape, everything could be pointed out and preserved through GIS.

GIS uses customized maps to help you understand and analyze the various data locations. Creating the maps is not easy and surely not an amateur job, though there are many GIS companies in Dubai that offer map services.

GIS and How It Has Transformed How Location Data is Analyzed

GIS is not only helping in finding out everything between Point A and Point B, but is also a revolutionary step towards analyzing data. With the transformation of geographical data to that of a digital map, everyone can now witness the patterns, relationships, making location tracking a lot easier. This is abundantly used in law enforcement, defense as well as urban planning making work easier and efficient.

By inputting data into GIS software, it will create a map for you offering everything that raw data cannot. Humans are well known to reciprocate towards visual display more than written format, and GIS offers a visual image of the numerical dataset.

GIS Mapping Tools And All That It Offers

  • Category maps are what controls or showcases the segments in a particular portion of a map.
  • Heat maps come with a color-coded system that offers a display of the area’s numerical density.
  • Cluster maps showcase the density of a certain area in a certain category. Finding a house using a listing service is one example of this.

GIS maps offer an organization the most efficient way by which they could display spatial patterns but in visual form. Thinking about the problems you want to resolve will help in determining where to focus. GIS tools mainly focus on.

  • Transforming the given data into a geographical map.
  • Linking a spreadsheet to that of the data of a map.
  • Geocode addresses and others.

What Is The Working Principle Of GIS Mapping?

GIS software from various GIS companies in UAE is very friendly to use and it fundamentally does everything for you. An individual just has to input all the data they would want to be displayed on the map; the corresponding map is then updated to reflect the data mentioned.

Falcon 3D offers users the facility of toggling in between the map as well as the data, ensuring you know how data transformation is done. To stay in the competition, it is now time to use GIS software from them for business strategy.

Complete Information About Core Cutting

For creating openings for pipes, wires, ventilating or air conditioning vents to fit through, the Core cutting process is to be used. Core cutting must be cautiously planned to prevent going through reinforcement.


There are the following components of this machine such as;

  • Gear Box
  • Jackscrew
  • Spindle &
  • Electrical Motor
  • Column
  • Water Valve
  • Stand


There are the following applications are available for core-cutting such as…

  1. Core cutting is done to create temporary holes for electrical wiring, plumbing, firefighting systems, rainwater outlets, heating, air-conditioning, and ventilation installations.
  2. Core-cutting can be done on brick walls, RCC walls, black stones, slabs, beams, columns, and water tanks, etc.
  3. All Through RCC Diamond Core-Cutting, applications such as industrial floor cutting, concrete testing, and readymade houses are also made possible.
  4. The core-cutting method can be used to make holes of 2 to 12-inch diameters and up to 2 meters of depth.


  1. The diamond cutting system requires fewer attempts and confirms faster operations.
  2. Rebar and metal cutting are possible in the diamond-edge core cutting method and also pre-outage work is possible with this method.
  3. The diamond-edge core cutting method needs only minimal patchwork because it is precise and within the Dimensional tolerance limits.
  4. As the process is free of vibrations and permits a higher amount of concrete removal during cutting and structural integrity is maintained to a higher level.
  5. To the surroundings, diamond cutting is comparatively gentle and non-disruptive.
  6. Just because the concrete is cut to size, in the Diamond Core Cutting process, concrete leaves no dust particles or residues.
  7. The equipment in Diamond-edge RCC core-cutting is controllable and variable enough to be used in remote cutting and closed space areas.


There are the following benefits of this method such as;

  • To drill holes in concrete, core-cutting is a fast, precise, and clean way.
  • It is much faster and efficient, It needs much fewer labor hours which in turn indicates considerably lower operating costs.
  • It is extremely efficient, in generating precise holes and cuttings with minimal or non-existent damage to the surroundings.
  • It removes dust and diminishes the amount of waste.
  • This procedure does not move the vibrations to the nearby constructions and protects them safe and during the drilling operations, it structurally sounds.


Core cutting is done to create temporary holes for the uses of electrical wiring, plumbing, firefighting systems. Core-cutting is a fast, precise, and clean way.

How Aerial Survey Pilot Is Beneficial for Surveying?

For a larger scope business project, it’s imperative that everything is arranged out down to the last detail. Exact information is essential to avoid from coming in over budget or enduring critical mishaps. One strategy for improving a large scope business project is to complete an accurate and thorough aerial survey. There are numerous important points to utilizing an aerial survey drone, both toward the start and all through a commercial project.

1. Lessen costs through productive, precise surveying.

Large scope accurate surveying has a forthright expense however helps in saving money over the length of the venture. Toward the early phases of surveying, automated aerial surveying is more moderate than the other option — monitored surveying with helicopters and aeroplane. Precise surveys make it more outlandish that there will be issues and changes all through the commercial project, which will help in saving both money and time. By guaranteeing that the venture is based on precise data, an automated aerial survey can likewise guarantee that the project doesn’t experience barriers all through development. As surveying happens at the earliest stages of a project, a delay in surveying could mean a delay on the task completion date.

2. Make recreations and models for building, renovations, and repairs.

Advanced software solutions can be utilized to take surveying information and make recreations and models. These models can be utilized for everything from introductory project development to future repairs and redesigns. Lage-scale business projects aren’t just about constructing a project site — they’re likewise about the long-term maintenance and repairs of the undertaking.

With this precise, complete information, a constructive organization can prepare for future renovations and repairs, and project-out when maintenance and remodels will be expected to keep the project up to norms.

3. Scan everywhere from crowded commercial zones to over-grown.

Commercial zones can be confusing and complex – as can parts that have fallen into decay. Despite where the aerial survey is being completed, UAV surveying can be utilized to create exact and great quality images and point clouds. UAV scanning can draw closer to the ground than monitored vehicles and can utilize advanced techniques, for example, LiDAR, to plan the ground even when it isn’t noticeable. By walking or monitored surveying won’t have the option to get the high-goal data that a construction project needs — at any rate, not without significant expense and personal danger. If your business project is on an area that requires exactness and complexity, UAVs will be the preferred method for surveying.


Well, with the help of this article, it would be easy for you to locate efficient aerial survey pilot companies for your construction project.

Best Guidelines for Choosing Engineering Companies

An engineering company can help you in assisting and offering expertise for any aspect of your business. It helps companies bring and launch products to different stages. Engineering companies help in conceptualization, designing, demonstration analysis, documentation, production, prototyping, etc. For all this to occur, you must get a good engineering company to make your work easier.

Here are a few guidelines for choosing engineering companies.

Qualifications and experience

To find the best engineering company, it is essential to consider the qualification and experience of the company. You must visit their website or their LinkedIn to know their projects and types of clients they have worked with.

This will help you in shortlisting a few companies that have dealt with your kind of work. There are many fields in engineering that include mechanical, electrical, chemical, and software. Engineering companies specialize in a specific project.

You must go through the project portfolio and reach out to the past clients to know their feedback and work. This will help you make much more informed choices as the feedback will come from personal recommendations and experience.


The next thing to do if you want to find a suitable engineering company is to fix your budget. It would help determine how much you are willing to spend on the engineering company’s service. Set aside your budget and look for quotations from companies that offer the services you need.

You can also choose to outsource your work in case you are looking for some cost-cutting options.

Location of the firm

Another thing to consider when looking for an engineering firm is to know the location of the company. This is important as you will need frequent visits from them if your project is long and intensive and regular monitoring is required.

The decision is based entirely on you, but if you are looking for continuous guidance and consultancy services, you must choose a firm that is in close proximity to your company. This will help to cut down on the transportation cost and the time spent commuting.

Services offered

To find an engineering company that is best for your business, you must consider the services offered by them, go through different portfolios, and understand what each company has to offer. Look for their strengths and weaknesses as it will help you in making good decisions. Always select a company that specializes in the area you are looking for service and then decide.

Hiring an engineering company can be a very intensive task. While at it, you should get along with a reliable name like Falcon 3D when it comes to selecting from the best mechanical engineering companies in the UAE.

Location Intelligence: The End Of GIS As We Know It

Location Intelligence is slowly becoming an integral part of the strategies of a majority of businesses. Looking at its potential in the coming three years, many companies focus on investing in this technology. GIS or geographic information systems form the basis for businesses to gather and visualize geographic information.

For businesses to stay competitive, GIS companies in UAE focus on intelligence based on their location data and not only on the topographical information.

Why Is The Industry Moving From GIS To Location Intelligence?

There are certain things that GIS fails to provide an organization. Due to a wider scope of opportunities, business plans to shift from GIS to location intelligence. Let us learn about it by looking at the differences between the two technologies.

  • Location intelligence relies on companies that use a broader range of dynamic data streams to carry out analysis and visualization. GIS takes a proprietary approach towards designing software that gives complete control to the software provider on the way customers use the closed system data. GIS users are bound to work with datasets that are provided by their software vendor.
  • Location intelligence includes open data, big datasets, and real-time data streams from all internet-connected devices, sensors, and systems. On the other hand, GIS depends only on the proprietary geographic datasets as possessed by businesses.
  • Professionals at GIS companies in Dubai implement location intelligence to develop new location analysis methods for the prediction and optimization of business processes. On the contrary, a conventional GIS analysis method aims to provide historic topographical information.

Location intelligence is instantly available to data analysts, developers, and data scientists who wish to incorporate location data in their roadmaps and core decision-making of a business. GIS is limited to experts with widespread certification and training, mostly via accredited academic institutions.

What Is The Relevance Of Location Intelligence?

Location intelligence signifies the natural development of GIS systems. It encompasses endless opportunities for businesses that work on an extensive collection of dynamic data for improved analysis and visualization in place of using static information from any particular source. Thus, implementing location intelligence is an innovative step for a business.

What Are The Applications Of Location Intelligence?

Insurers use location intelligence to perform real-time decisions to assist policyholders in case of a natural disaster. Real estate investors use location intelligence to assess new development opportunities.

Moreover, banks use demographic information and financial transactions to learn about city dynamics.

It is always best to consult a leading survey engineering company such as Falcon 3d. The company provides CAD and BIM modeling, Drone mapping others, making it among the preferred GIS companies in Dubai.

A Guide to Solar Panel Drone Inspection

Drones have become an essential tool for solar panel inspections. Drones collect the data more than 50 times faster than manual methods and it improves safety by avoiding dangerous man-hours.

Drones versus Manual Methods

  • Solar panel inspections are already happening, but it is still performed manually using hand-held thermal cameras.
  • A thermal camera can help to identify the manufacturing defects, cracks, faulty inter-connectors, defective bypass diodes, and temporary shadowing.
  • Hand-held and manual inspections are good but this process is not as efficient to identify all problems. Fly forward the drone is advanced technology. It is faster and more accurate for capturing the data and also helps to improve safety.

 In short, there are some of the advantages of drones that are a superior inspection method compared to traditional or handheld techniques:

  • Increase efficiency: Drones collect data more than 50 times faster than manual methods. Solar farms are typically very large installations, so the drone with an appropriate thermal camera can scan the site for defects. It is much faster than using a thermal camera on the ground.
  • Get good quantity & quality information: Manual processes might miss the efficient issues.
  • Avoid hazardous man-hours: To handle the surveys and inspections without being exposed to potential danger.
  • Reduce costs: It may not only affect the inspection but also the maintenance and equipment.
  • Store, track & distribute data: We can manage the data with a secure portal using the drone, and it’s convenient for reporting.

For increasing the efficiency and enhancing data capture, drones have major advantages. We should thank to the sophisticated payloads that they can carry. Drones inspect the solar panel and obtain both thermal and RGB (visible light) data. Thermal imaging is essential for solar panel inspections. RGB is crucial to give a complete picture of what is happening on your site. Solar panel installations are rising throughout the world but it can increase the work in inspections. After all, drones are a more effective solution than traditional, hand-held manual techniques. While using the drone in inspection firms, it can increase efficiency and enhance safety. It can also capture the incredibly accurate data.

Conclusion: As per the above-described point, we can conclude that solar panel drone inspection is more difficult with large area using the hand held equipment. Nowadays drone technique is available for inspections and there are many advantages of drones compare to traditional techniques.

Falcon 3D: Your Survey Engineering Consultants

Falcon 3D Middle East provides all-round survey and engineering services to many infrastructures, construction, and development projects. Given their cutting-edge surveying product offerings, there is no doubt that Falcon 3D is one of the top GIS companies in Dubai, UAE. In this article, we will explore the various services Falcon 3D provides like drone mapping, 3D laser scanning, mobile mapping, and concrete scanning and how it can benefit you.

Falcon 3D’s drone mapping technology enables you to have real-time project updates and a close-up inspection of remote sites, rugged terrain and hard-to-reach structures.  With products like like senseFly eBee X and Phantom 4 RTK DJI, you can reduce project costs, mitigate risks, facilitate informed decision making, and improve the overall project quality.

As one of the leading survey companies in Dubai, Falcon 3D engineers make use of industry-leading laser scanning products like Leica P40 Scanner Station, FARO Focus3D X 330, and FARO QuantumM ScanArm HD for providing rich 3D scan data that helps to produce 2D drawings, 3D models and ortho-images of the construction sites. This helps to identify constructability challenges beforehand and measure project progress efficiently on-the-go.

With Falcon 3D’s mobile mapping solution, you can quickly and efficiently collect a vast amount of accurate data and high-resolution visuals. To assist with road survey, topographic mapping, 3D modeling, and asset management, Falcon 3D offers Trimble MX9 with 360° optical camera systems and LiDAR data acquisition sensors that can be mounted on almost any type of vehicle.

Falcon 3D’s concrete scanning and inspection services is a must before cutting, coring, or drilling as it detects voids, post-tension cables, rebar, electrical conduits, etc and helps prevent costly damage in construction projects. For structural assessment, concrete quality, and post-tension scanning, Falcon 3D offers concrete scanning products like Pundit® Live Array Pro, Pundit PL-200 Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test Instrument, and StructureScan™ Mini.

To select the right survey product for your project needs, get in touch with the Falcon 3D Survey Engineering Consultants.

Tips for Choosing the Right Concrete Drilling Company

Without a doubt, the ventures are developing on a quick scale. This development requires the proficiency of the market as well as the smallest perspectives that help is incorporating extraordinary structure. From concrete to some other support, it needs a solid base to convey forward. While anticipating coexisting with core drilling companies in Dubai, guarantee a couple of critical factors before beginning. In the plenty of choices to look over, concrete drilling administrations are, without a doubt, the ones that are given by different temporary workers. However, finding the correct contractual worker for your necessities and prerequisites is basic. In this manner, you should know about a couple of significant viewpoints before coexisting with your picked contractual worker.

Offered different types of assistance and the correct gear

Investigating the administrations will give you a thought of all the different administrations offered by the contractual worker. Since not a wide range of administrations are provided by all the contractual workers, experiencing the rundown of administrations will assist you with settling on your choice simpler. Through this, you can get a thought of whether the administrations of the drilling company suits your necessities and prerequisites.

Seek after the portfolios

Experience of the company to get the administrations given by the contractual worker as their history of working. Since concrete drilling needs the correct speculations, it is essential to experience the portfolio before getting along. From work understanding of the consequences of the administrations, you get a thought, all things considered

The image of the company

Before coexisting with a contractual worker for your concrete drilling administrations, ensure you experience the client survey just as the notoriety of the company. Undergoing these audits can help you a great deal in understanding the work plan of the contractual worker. Indeed, it will assist you in settling on your choice simpler.

Hidden value model

Without a doubt, development ventures cost overwhelmingly on the pockets. However, one can generally locate the correct method to break the arrangements and analyze the valuing of different contractual workers. Along these lines, it serves light on the pockets. However, it is likewise a smart way of saving money.

If you are looking for core cutting services in Dubai, your search ends now. Reach out to Falcon 3D and get the best services at all times in Dubai.

Services Offered By the Best GIS Companies in Dubai

The world has been advancing at a rapid rate, and the introduction of new technologies and services takes place daily on a massive level. The commencement of these advancements in our daily lives by the GIS companies in Dubai has brought on a sudden yet empowering change to the lives of the citizens. This GIS service enables the clients to record and interpret the spatial and geographical data that plays a critical role in their business and its requirements. The needs of the modernized companies have been increasing regularly, and hence, to keep up to date with the same, the application of GIS service has been initiated in the commercial world.

Under this technology, companies can find out essential data and insights from location points, 3D modeling, and map layers. This allows an efficient process of data management, easy access, utilization, and analysis. It can also be used in a wide range of domains such as telecommunications, logistics, planning, engineering, insurance, or management. Some vital services that this technology proposes are listed below.

Remote sensing

In contemporary times, when surveys and wide-range tests have indeed become the norm rather than passing by door-to-door collecting information, remote sensing has proved to be incredibly fruitful in the process. A time and cost-effective technique, remote sensing is undoubtedly a viable option than physical surveys when in sudden need of large amounts of data on objects or phenomena. It also poses as an advantage when it may be used to gather data to analyze the available information on forestry, weather reports, vegetation, pollution, etc. These can also be of assistance during archaeological excavations and city planning. 


The practice of using online maps while traveling to some faraway destination has undoubtedly been the norm by the present generation. With the proper utilization of GIS services when paired with other advanced technologies such as GPS and remote sensing, this process of navigation to create maps has far outweighed the manual procedure of gathering information about the various streets and its alleyways. Moreover, it also ensures the creation of a sound system of navigation by paying attention to even the smallest of details, such as grid alignment, building landmarks, city models, etc.


Keeping a manual check of the files and records gathered over a long time in an organization can be quite a hectic task, if not impossible. Now think about what it would be like for a city or a country. Digitization hence involves changing manual files into digital files to keep a better check over them. Apart from that, they are also used in the mapping procedure.

For those who find themselves fascinated by the GIS companies in the UAE and wish to employ their uses in their distinctive domain, may visit Falcon 3D for more information on the same.

Tips for Getting Best Aerial Survey Companies in Dubai

When it comes to construction works, utility designs, disaster-management, city planning, or traffic management, aerial surveys play a crucial role. There has been a remarkable change in geographic industries from stations in the initial phase to GPS, and now laser scanners and even AI.

The recent change is the addition of drones through which data is quickly collected along with all safety parameters and accuracy, leading to exceptional productivity. Several aerial survey pilot companies provide drone survey services for any such purpose. The following are some guidelines to go through before you select one.

Right Hardware

While selecting an aerial survey pilot company, the most important thing to consider is to check whether the company uses the right type of drones, cameras, and other tools. Drones have different characteristics such as single rotor, multi-rotor, fixed-wing, etc. Several propellers are attached to a multi-rotor drone to which stabilizers and GPS can also be added for enhancing their utilization.

Single rotor drones are said to be more efficient than multi-rotor drones, as large sensors like LIDAR can be effectively used with them. Lastly, when there is a time limit, and more distance has to be covered, fixed-wing drones are an ideal choice. Several other factors, such as range, payload, and time of flight, are also to be considered.


Another significant element to keep in mind is the cost. A genuine company should let you know their approximate package prices so that you can make your mind considering your budget. If you find the prices extremely high, it would be great to compare those with other companies as well to get an idea. Some companies often provide their aerial survey services on an hourly basis, while some on a project-to-project basis. Choose the type of service wisely, considering all possible factors.

Experienced Operators

Furthermore, choosing a company that has been working for a long time and has expertise in it is an ideal choice. Prefer those companies that have good customer reviews and market reputation. Try getting in touch with the company’s previous customers for the ultimate feedback.

You can also look for the company’s reviews on the several review websites available on the internet. Lastly, look for the company’s different areas of applications and post-sales customer service.

Processing Time

Undoubtedly, unlike traditional survey methods, drones are significantly faster. However, after capturing the data, an essential thing is data processing or utilization. A well-experienced firm with skilled operators and up-to-date technology should be able to quickly process that information into something specific like a surface model or a geometrically corrected aerial image. Hence, always go for brilliant proficiency levels while selecting sites so that the deliverables can be achieved quickly.

Finding the right aerial site survey in the UAE might seem difficult to you, but not anymore. With Falcon 3D, you can get all the best assistance when it comes to aerial survey pilots. Feel free to reach out here.